Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 09, 1964
Linus builds a model house.<BR><BR> Linus looks at his hand and shouts, "A Sliver!"<BR><BR> Linus wails, "I got a sliver!"<BR><BR> Linus holds his hand and shouts, "I got a sliver in my finger!" Lucy walks up and says, "Let's see . . ."<BR><BR> Linus pulls away and says, "Don't touch it! Don't touch it!" Lucy says, "I'd better go get a pair of tweezers . . ."<BR><BR> Linus stands on a chair and yells, "No! No! It'll hurt! You'll kill me! You'll kill me!!"<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Look, you want to get the sliver out don't you? Well hold still!"<BR><BR> Lucy tries to get the splinter out.<BR><BR> Linus says, "Wait a minute . . . Didn't we forget something?"<BR><BR> Linus says, "While you're opperating I thought I was supposed to be biting a bullet!"<BR><BR>
GenreChowderStudios over 8 years ago
Hunh. I’m surprised Lucy had the kindness in her to immediately (and calmly) try to help out Linus here.
slifer79 almost 7 years ago
A sliver? In my day they were called splinters, and I hated them too, especially those sharp metal ones:(
Daeder over 3 years ago
Back in the days when they had Lincoln Logs that were actually made of wood!
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Did she get it out? If she did, that was a historic Peanuts moment: lucy helping Linus!!!1111
markkahler52 about 1 year ago
People read this that morning. In the evening, the Beatles were gonna change history!!
markkahler52 about 1 year ago
O, and that look on Linus’ face in panel 9! BEST EVER!!
yow4zip Premium Member 12 months ago
A splinter seems like the end of the world.