Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 02, 1964
Charlie Brown sits at a table in profile and writes, "Dear Agnes, I like your advice column in the paper."<BR><BR> He sits facing front and reads what he has written: "I feel that I could use some of your advice myself."<BR><BR> He writes, "I don't know, however, exactly what it is that I want to ask you."<BR><BR> "Just send me some advice."<BR><BR>
woodnote over 13 years ago
Dear Charles Brown,Here’s some advice. Learn to focus on what your needs are. Write a list. Ponder. Take your time. Learn to reflect. Don’t just send messages off to people half-cocked.Yours truly, Agnes
weatherford.joe almost 5 years ago
Lucy also wrote to Agnes’ advice column in 1958 asking for advice on how to deal with Schroeder. She just told Lucy to never fall in love with a musician.
yow4zip Premium Member 4 months ago
Five cents, please.