Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 19, 1967

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    SciFiWriter  about 5 years ago

    He doesn’t need a chain letter to bring him bad luck.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Now that he tore up that chain letter, his baseball team will never win a game from now on!

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    MrJamie51  8 months ago

    You really have to admire CB in first 3 panels, all like: “Linus is right! Why SHOULD I let a pointless chain letter run my life, think it has every right to determine my fate and fortune?” “So what exactly am I going to do about it? THIS! Destroy it, so it’s gone forever!!” There, I’M FREE!!!” But then of course, no sooner are the words out of him then bad luck befalls him, sure enough, in Panel 4, when it starts to rain(obviously, the joke.)

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    ultimadodge  4 months ago

    Maybe he actually ended a drought? So maybe he’s a hero? Not likely, though, since he’s always set up to be the loser. Poor Charlie Brown, Schulz’s eternal whipping boy.

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