Well if Dark Side of the Horse can’t be nominated for a Reuben, I officially nominate Dark Side of the Horse for The First Annual GoComics Online Award. Or The GOA as people in the know like to call it. I just totally made up that award, but damnit it SHOULD exist.
We could hold the awards ceremony at the Motel 6, and then have the after party at 7-11. Slurpees for all!
zero almost 14 years ago
The old & unimproved mega-phone!
Simon_Jester almost 14 years ago
This hysteria about cell-phones affecting your brain is reeeeally going too far.
Besides, in Horace’s case, how could you even tell?
hossblacksilver almost 14 years ago
No, really, I can’t.
Ice_Bear66 almost 14 years ago
Magnetic horseshoes! Brilliant, Samuli! But, IS there an APP for that?
policelimit Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Well if Dark Side of the Horse can’t be nominated for a Reuben, I officially nominate Dark Side of the Horse for The First Annual GoComics Online Award. Or The GOA as people in the know like to call it. I just totally made up that award, but damnit it SHOULD exist.
We could hold the awards ceremony at the Motel 6, and then have the after party at 7-11. Slurpees for all!
Ice_Bear66 almost 14 years ago
I second that! Make mine cherry!
rotflcopter about 13 years ago
3 panels are enough to lol
Nuttypearls115 over 12 years ago
The old world hearing aid.