I thought seniors could get easy-open caps these days upon request? And doesn’t it sort of defeat the purpose of having a “child-proof” cap if a child can actually open it???
I saw a cartoon of a 7 y.o. outside a pharmacy with a little stand and a sign that read: “Prescription bottles opened - 50 cts. And he was doing VERY well!
comicgos over 13 years ago
You mean “child-proof” caps.
Madhatter1903 over 13 years ago
In a pluggers day the bottles were plugged up with corks
LuvThemPluggers over 13 years ago
I also need him to read me the itty bitty directions on the bottle of eye drops (ironic!)
Gretchen's Mom over 13 years ago
I thought seniors could get easy-open caps these days upon request? And doesn’t it sort of defeat the purpose of having a “child-proof” cap if a child can actually open it???
anserman38 over 13 years ago
I saw a cartoon of a 7 y.o. outside a pharmacy with a little stand and a sign that read: “Prescription bottles opened - 50 cts. And he was doing VERY well!