For comparison and self-aggrandizement (wait: reverse the order there), here’s a piece of fanzine art I did in 1996 to illustrate a clutch of paragraphs that ended with the line “Sadly it wasn’t to be, as Chris dived for cover at any hint of the word speech.”
(In context here: )
Daniel Verburg over 4 years ago
Hope the beard don’t get stuck innthe hinge.
Kip W over 4 years ago
For comparison and self-aggrandizement (wait: reverse the order there), here’s a piece of fanzine art I did in 1996 to illustrate a clutch of paragraphs that ended with the line “Sadly it wasn’t to be, as Chris dived for cover at any hint of the word speech.”
(In context here: )
j.l.farmer over 4 years ago
i just close the blinds.
siddiqqi44 over 4 years ago
Nothing more introverted( or should I have said self centered) than a cat. Look how CAT answered the door !