There are some books out there on the “Roadkill Cookbook” theme. Some are spoofs on haute cuisine, others are quite serious. I remember the time I visited my Dad for dinner, he had a pheasant in the oven. Not only was it out of season, but he doesn’t even hunt. He’d hit it with his car that afternoon…
When a raccoon attacks a chicken, they eat the head and leave the body for me to deal with. I know it’s a waste, but I can’t pluck a body that had a name.
allen@home over 4 years ago
Sounds delicious. NOT
Stevefk over 4 years ago
My ex-wife used to make that for me, snuck it to the dog. Poor dog, I sure do miss him!
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 4 years ago
I’m sure he’d prefer free range mealworms.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
The very thought of….
Steverino Premium Member over 4 years ago
Gaylord Buzzard.
Indianapolis Smith over 4 years ago
Is that the follow-up book to “Rotted Racoon Carcass Soup for the Soul”?
Glibster Premium Member over 4 years ago
There are some books out there on the “Roadkill Cookbook” theme. Some are spoofs on haute cuisine, others are quite serious. I remember the time I visited my Dad for dinner, he had a pheasant in the oven. Not only was it out of season, but he doesn’t even hunt. He’d hit it with his car that afternoon…
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
That a rotten philosophy.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
Did not know that some vultures are Jewish.
Peam Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ingredients: 1 Chicken carcass (Free Range); etc….
exness Premium Member over 4 years ago
When a raccoon attacks a chicken, they eat the head and leave the body for me to deal with. I know it’s a waste, but I can’t pluck a body that had a name.