The training wheels are on incorrectly. On the side-wall they would move in the same direction with the tread. They need to be fastened to the tread, since using it in a tree is a kid sitting in the center and moving perpendicular to the tread direction.
One of our local blowhard ex-bikers put a trike kit on his Harley. It looked like training wheels and I had to stifle a laugh. I started on stick shift with a side car ‘till we learned not to fall over. Down side on being Divisional Motor was riding all year round, At least a sidecar in the winter helps, but there isn’t such a thing as HD snow tires,
allen@home over 4 years ago
Just a tiny bit overprotective there dad.
pcolli over 4 years ago
Wait until he fits the air bag and seat belt.
jel354 over 4 years ago
Useless when the branches break.
JDP_Huntington Beach over 4 years ago
The training wheels are on incorrectly. On the side-wall they would move in the same direction with the tread. They need to be fastened to the tread, since using it in a tree is a kid sitting in the center and moving perpendicular to the tread direction.
The Reader Premium Member over 4 years ago
Remember, Dad is still using his Dad training wheels too!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 4 years ago
One of our local blowhard ex-bikers put a trike kit on his Harley. It looked like training wheels and I had to stifle a laugh. I started on stick shift with a side car ‘till we learned not to fall over. Down side on being Divisional Motor was riding all year round, At least a sidecar in the winter helps, but there isn’t such a thing as HD snow tires,
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
do the wheels retract on takeoff…?