Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 08, 1954
"Linus is sitting on the floor watching Lucy who is grabbing up all the toys saying, \"These toys are MINE! Do you hear me Linus? THER'RE MINE?\" <br> <br> Lucy is now standing in front of Linus who is looking up at her as she is yelling, \"MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, Everything is mine! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?\" <br> <br> Lucy is looking down at Linus with a question look. Linus is struggling to pull pull off his shirt.<br> <br> Linus is sitting with his shirt off handing it to a puzzled looking Lucy. <br> <br> " description,"Linus is sitting on the floor watching Lucy who is grabbing up all the toys saying, \"These toys are MINE! Do you hear me Linus? THER'RE MINE?\" <br> <br> Lucy is now standing in front of Linus who is looking up at her as she is yelling, \"MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, Everything is mine! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?\" <br> <br> Lucy is looking down at Linus with a question look. Linus is struggling to pull pull off his shirt.<br> <br> Linus is sitting with his shirt off handing it to a puzzled looking Lucy. <br> <br> "
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
Yes he does.
tdoug1 almost 10 years ago
Here take the shirt off my back!!
✨Alan✨ almost 4 years ago
Number one SnoopyFan 10 months ago
Linus the GOAT
peanutsmean 4 months ago
Lucy’s fully into her bully persona now