Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 03, 1956
Lucy stands in the field showing Linus a tree. She says, "This, Linus, is a palm tree.." Charlie Brown frowns and exclaims, "Good Grief!"<br> <br> She holds the tree and continues, "It gets its name from the fact that the average person can put his hand clear around it..."<br> <br> Charlie Brown approaches her holding his stomach. He exclaims, "Lucy! You're killing me! These stupid things you tell him...they get me so worked up, my stomach hurts!"<br> <br> Lucy and Linus walk off with Lucy saying, "Just ignore him, here is a Bamboo tree.." Charlie Brown sits on the grass holding his stomach and exclaiming, "Ow! Ow! Ow!"<br> <br>
bcn172000 over 12 years ago
I don’t think they have bamboo trees in Minnesota
MrJamie1062 almost 9 years ago
Charlie Brown’s expression in last panel is just HILARIOUS:“OW! OW!! OW!!! Oh,Lucy, won’t you ever STOP! Please! I can’t take it anymore!” as he’s unable to tune out Lucy’s RIDICULOUS “tree lessons”for Linus.
yow4zip Premium Member over 8 years ago
Linus is getting bamboozled here.
jimmyjohnson over 8 years ago
None of you seem to have considered the possibility that Brandon was playing along with the comic
JoeTheDog Premium Member 19 days ago
last panel by itself, Peanuts with no context (can you guys post it like that, cause I get tired of typing this but feel inclined to)
kaystari Premium Member 2 days ago
Imagine how smart Linus would be if he didn’t have a sister.
kaystari Premium Member 2 days ago
I have a sister like this, she told me lots of weird things that weren’t true.