Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 06, 1962
"Linus with a worried look on his face walks by Snoopy who is sitting on the grass thinking, “What a situation…” <br> <br> Snoopy gets up and is walking as he thinks, “ Miss Othmar is going to prove Linus that you can break a habit with sheer will power so she’s going to stop biting her fingernails” <br> <br> Snoopy is laying on his stomach on top of his doghouse thinking, “Linus is so sure that she can’t do it he’s risking his beloved blanket.. <br> <br> Snoopy is now lying on his back thinking, “ In these teacher-pupil struggles it’s always the principal who loses!” <br> <br>" dialogue-text,"Linus with a worried look on his face walks by Snoopy who is sitting on the grass thinking, “What a situation…” <br> <br> Snoopy gets up and is walking as he thinks, “ Miss Othmar is going to prove Linus that you can break a habit with sheer will power so she’s going to stop biting her fingernails” <br> <br> Snoopy is laying on his stomach on top of his doghouse thinking, “Linus is so sure that she can’t do it he’s risking his beloved blanket.. <br> <br> Snoopy is now lying on his back thinking, “ In these teacher-pupil struggles it’s always the principal who loses!” <br> <br>"
Daeder over 3 years ago
I wonder how many school principals cut this comic out of the paper when it ran, and posted it somewhere in their office.
yow4zip Premium Member about 3 years ago
Principally Snoopy is right.
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
This one is unusual because usually Snoopy makes like he isn’t aware of the others’ names, e.g. That round-headed kid, the kid with the blanket, etc.