Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 20, 1966
"Lucy sits at the psychiatric help booth and says, \"Sit down please.\" Charlie Brown says, \"Thank you.\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully.\"<BR><BR> Lucy frowns and says, \"You see physicians can learn a lot about a patient by asking what may even sound like a very simple question.\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"All right now, answer me truthfully . . . which do you prefer a sunrise or a sunset?\" Charlie Brown says, \"Well, a sunset, I guess . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"I thought so! You're just the type! I might have known! What a disappointment!\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"People who prefer sunsets are dreamers! They always give up! They always look back instead of forward! I just might have known you weren't a sunrise person!\"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, \"Sunrisers are go-getters! They have ambition and drive! Give me a person who likes a sunrise every time! Yes sir!\"<BR><BR> Lucy throws her hands in the air and walks off, saying, \"I'm sorry Charlie Brown . . . If you prefer sunsets to sunrises, I can't take your case . . . you're hopeless!\"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown sits by himself and says, \"Actually, I've always sort of prefered noon!\"<BR><BR>" dialogue-text,"Lucy sits at the psychiatric help booth and says, \"Sit down please.\" Charlie Brown says, \"Thank you.\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully.\"<BR><BR> Lucy frowns and says, \"You see physicians can learn a lot about a patient by asking what may even sound like a very simple question.\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"All right now, answer me truthfully . . . which do you prefer a sunrise or a sunset?\" Charlie Brown says, \"Well, a sunset, I guess . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"I thought so! You're just the type! I might have known! What a disappointment!\"<BR><BR> Lucy says, \"People who prefer sunsets are dreamers! They always give up! They always look back instead of forward! I just might have known you weren't a sunrise person!\"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, \"Sunrisers are go-getters! They have ambition and drive! Give me a person who likes a sunrise every time! Yes sir!\"<BR><BR> Lucy throws her hands in the air and walks off, saying, \"I'm sorry Charlie Brown . . . If you prefer sunsets to sunrises, I can't take your case . . . you're hopeless!\"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown sits by himself and says, \"Actually, I've always sort of preferred noon!\"<BR><BR>"
thelittlephrase almost 11 years ago
good ol’ charlie brown is finally promoted
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
Don’t she know that there is no wrong answer.Goofy girl.
ootey over 7 years ago
What does THAT mean?
thepinkbaroness over 4 years ago
The Sunday strips have begun “Featuring Good Ol’ Charlie Brown”!
lesbian4life7997 over 1 year ago
Poll: Sunrise or Sunset? I like sunsets better because then I don’t have to get up early ;)