Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 22, 1968
Patty stands next to Violet and asks, "Where shall we sit?" Violet points and says, "Right over there."<BR><BR> Linus walks into the room and sits in a desk behind Patty.<BR><BR> Linus sits at the desk in school and says, "Yes, ma'am? The back row? Why did I take a seat in the back row?"<BR><BR> Linus stands and says, "Yes, ma'am, I know there are seats in the front row . . . I was merely obeying the biblical admonition . . ."<BR><BR> Linus continues, "In the fourteenth chapter of luke, beginning with the tenth verse, we read, 'When you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place so that when your host comes he may say to you, 'Friend, go up higher'!'"<BR><BR> Linus adds, ". . Every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."<BR><BR> Linus walks forward and says, "Yes, ma'am . ."<BR><BR> Linus sits at a desk in the front row and says, "Miss Othmar isn't much for biblical admonitions . . ."<BR><BR>
LadyBlanc about 12 years ago
Looks to me like that’s exactly what she did do—ask him to sit higher up.
michdarkangel almost 11 years ago
She likes U Linus..thatz y she called U close :P
MrJamie1062 over 10 years ago
Prayer in school ought to make a comeback, one of these days. That way, ultimately, people, including students, might start treating others with a smidge more respect, again, like they once did, many years ago. Truly, based on what I have heard, that prayer in school was once practiced many years ago, I feel that is why many years ago, up until circa the 1960s, people learned how to treat others, including schoolmates, with respect.(Also even accounting for language not heard nearly as often, in like the 1920s, 1930s, or 1940s, as people knew how to treat others right.)
Stormwyrm almost 4 years ago
Then Miss Othmar saith unto Linus: “Friend, come up higher!”