Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 30, 1972
Linus and Charlie Brown are seated on the ground, leaning against either side of a tree. Linus asks, "Do you think pets are important?" "Sure" says Charlie Brown.<BR><BR> Linus continues, "A friend of mine at school got some goldfish for his birthday, but I don't think he really wanted them..."<BR><BR> They are silhouetted in this panel. Charlie Brown says, "People buy pets for strange reasons."<BR><BR> Linus turns to face Charlie Brown: "How did you happen to get Snoopy, Charlie Brown?" Charlie Brown faces front and answers, "Well, I'm not sure because I was kind of young.."<BR><BR> He sits on his knees and says, "I think it started because of something that happened at a playground...I was playing in a sandbox with a couple of other kids...I can't even remember who they are..."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands and continues, "Anyway, all of a sudden, one of them poured a whole bucket of sand over my head...I started crying, I guess, and my mother came running up, and took me home."<BR><BR> Sitting back against the tree in profile again he adds, "It's kind of embarassing now to talk about it."<BR><BR> "Anyway, the next day we drove out to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, and my mother and Dad bought me a dog..."<BR><BR> Snoopy is lying on his back on top of the doghouse. He thinks, "Good grief!"<BR><BR>
Bimps1002 over 12 years ago
That’s sweet.
thepinkbaroness over 4 years ago
That story is animated in this video:
AlanTompkins over 4 years ago
Snoopy’s reply should be underlined!! He is in the back yard in his house because some kid dumped a bucket of sand on that round headed kid’s head???? Now we have heard it all and to think Snoops could have been across town living in Peppermint Patty’s back yard with his Sopwith Camel, and detective outfit as well as the lawyer duds. Double sigh!! Why it’s enough to make a beagle cry!
Rakoon CD over 1 year ago
The Charlie Brown-ness has rubbed off on Snoopy.
DiopticTurtle Premium Member about 2 months ago
I think the leeches on Linus’ face in the second-to-last panel are a metaphor