FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for March 21, 2011

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    Not much action for the Phantom. Maybe tomorrow. He is getting good at climbing prison fences with barbed wire on top.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Morning folks. Just starting my daily toon tour. In the meantime, here’s the link to today’s Annie.

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Phntm) @woodworker318: I think today’s two panels may be the setup for the grand finale of justice served. “…His name of war…The Python!”

    (Rex Morgan M.D) Berna may have to take Dex and move to a gated community or a condo with a security guard!

    (Judge Parker) The drama has switched from Sam at the hotel to his redheaded significant-other, Abbey, back at Spencer Farms. This is 3rd Nicholas P. Dallis strip (along with Rex & 3-G). I found some JP background info & posted it yesterday in the 3/19 column. Here’s another helpful link with main character writeups from King Features:

    (Apt. 3-G) A Colorado mountain dude? If Dan speaks with veracity, he has the means to buy plane tickets and carry a cell phone.

    (Mark Trail) This should be interesting! I wonder what sort of diversion they’ll come up with.

    (FoxTrot) @JanCinVV : Thanks for Spanish help yesterday. Today’s strip is not in-sync with the English FoxTrot Classics & I don’t speak or read Spanish - but, I think I get the drift that Paige & Nicole are at the library (biblioteca) researching colleges (universidades) and mom is teary-eyed that daughter Paige is finally getting serious about her future academic plans - but in the end panel, the young ladies are only researching which college has the best “college colors.” Am I close?

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  4. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    (Foxtrot) Today’s Foxtrot is out of sync with the Spanish edition. Florchi - yes that’s what I got out of it too. The girls want the school colors to coordinate with their clothes.

    (Mark Trail) Yes. This should develop into some real action soon.

    (Phantom) Is that gas fumes we see in the pictures?

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  5. Missing large
    Winterbay  almost 14 years ago

    The translation is as follows (for a given value of translation I guess, me being Swedish and it being more than 6 years since I studied or even used my Spanish):

    Mom: Where is Paige? I haven’t seen her all evening. Peter: She and Nicole went to the library. I think they were going to search for universities. —

    Mom: Universities? Peter: You know. Trying to find out wich universities to they’d like to send their applications to. —

    Mom: (snif) Oh Peter. A mother lives for moments like this. My little girl has finally decided to take her academic future seriously. —

    Paige: Ow. The colours of “Notre Dame” clashes horribly with my skin tone. Nicole: The Stanford red will look stunning on you with those new beautiful shoes you bought.

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  6. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    SWEETBILL: I hope you will join us in reading & commenting on the Judge Parker strip - created by the same Dr. Nicholas P. Dallis as Rex & 3-G. And one of the main characters is a sexy redhead! While no one can compare to our Brenda, reading the JP strip might be fun.

    davidf42: Check out the JP link I posted today (above)… it’s very helpful!

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  7. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Spanish) Gracias! Can someone now tell me how to pronounce “cuenta” in the phrase below? This phrase came up in our FT discussion a while back.

    solamente la cuenta por favor

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  8. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    (REX) Well, Dr. Rex is caught up on the story, let’s get movin’ Woody & Graham.

    (3G) “lost your phone” Red lights go off for me on that statement!! , but I still think him and his buddy may be big time producers lookin’ fo a diamond in the rough play, possibly for a movie or take it nationally perhaps.

    (MW) Dawn, “GO GIRL” ,thanks to Wilbur she saw the light.

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  9. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Florchi, thanks for another helpful link. And you did a much more thorough job of explaining Judge Parker than I did. I wasn’t familiar with Sam Driver or Abbey. I wonder if they are going to have 2 stories at the same time? What’s going on with Sophie, and how Connie performs with the book tour. There’s definitely some mystery regarding Connie and Angel. Before Jackie died they referred to her as a home-wrecker and I don’t see how that is relevant since she died. FT-disappointing that it didn’t load yesterday and is out of sync today. How am I going to learn Spanish? MW-Still unbelieveable, but I hope Dawn’s new plan works for her. My addiction to the comics is totally uncurable.

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  10. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Florchi - cuenta is pronounced kuen-ta. the c has a k sound and the accent is on the first syllable. “Just the check, please.” One of the few phrases I use with any confidence. And thanks for that very helpful link.

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  11. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 14 years ago

    My spanish classes in school (you don’t want to know how long ago) help me to understand some, but not all. Having the English and Spanish versions here is helping bring some of it back. Being here in So CA knowing some Spanish is useful.

    The one thing I do remember is how phonetic a language it is. As davidf42 said, the “c” is always a “k” sound and there are many similar rules. The key word here is “always”. There are a few variations on the basic rules, but not many. For instance: Vowels a =ah, e=long a sound, i =long e sound, o =oh, and u =oo. The only exception to these pronunciations is when u follows a q, then it becomes silent - quinta (fifth) is pronounced “keenta”. I may not know what a written word means, but I can always figure out how to pronounce it. I remember when my Mom was a hospital volunteer and she had to telephone new moms when the hospital photos of their newborns were available. The hospital gave her the script to read, but she was really fracturing the pronunciation to the point no one could understand her. So, I wrote out the phrases phonetically for her and she did much better. Neither of us knew exactly what she was saying, but at least they could understand her. Not sure what she did when they asked her questions. (I did write out “No ah-blah esp-ahn-yole” for her) If you want more, just ask, otherwise I’ll shut up now.

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  12. Missing large
    Winterbay  almost 14 years ago

    u following a q is always silent unless it has ¨ on top of it when it is not. Such as the wonderful word “pengüino” :)

    Funny story: I have a friend who has a friend (no it’s not one of those stories…) who has perfect pitch (very good thing to have as a musician). The problem is that this leads to her being able to pick up the very subtle tones of a language so well that no one thinks she’s from anywhere else. The only phrase she knows in French is “I don’t speak French” (I won’t try to write that in French), but she can pronounce it so well that most French won’t believe her and can get quite angry when she refuses to say anythign else in French :)

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