FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for March 22, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Buen dia amigos y amigas. Aqui es el link a Annie por hoy -

    Florchi – I don’t know if you got it yesterday because it was getting late when I posted it, but thanks for that very informative and helpful link.

    (Judge Parker) I think the redhead is Abbey, Sam’s rich girlfriend. The teenager is her adopted daughter Neddy, who has a history of being a challenge to Abbey.

    (Mark Trail) Leaving her there is putting her in even greater danger.

    (Phantom) An open invitation to …

    (Rex Morgan) Thirty thousand bucks in one day! And I can’t afford to buy a new truck!

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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Phntm) @davidf42: You posted yesterday, “Is that gas fumes?” There is definitely something in the air (and no one else in that wing of the prison). Is that an opening in the cell door?

    SWEETBILL: : Enjoyed your late comments yesterday.

    (Judge Parker) I think this is the younger daughter, Sophie. I hope we go back to the other storyline (Sam & Angel) soon. Please stay with us on this one marvee!

    (Rex Morgan) The lottery ticket hasn’t been cashed in yet. Dex lives in Berna’s home and we are led to believe he does not have a lot of retirement money of his own - so how did he have a $30,000 limit on his credit card(s)? Am Ex maybe?

    (Mark Trail) That must be Otto. On March 11, the widow (I forget her name) said to Juan: “Since he killed my husband, Otto expects me to be one of his girls…and that’s not going to happen.” She is taking a risk here.

    (Apt. 3-G) My take is that Iris will end up being the one embarrassed. She has made a judgment and I think she’s off the mark…maybe way off.

    (FoxTrot) Today I learned another new Spanish phase: “I’m just a love machine” (Soy una maquina del amor). I wonder when/where I can work that into conversation.

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  3. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    Florchi said, about 3 hours ago

    (Phntm) @davidf42: You posted yesterday, “Is that gas fumes?” There is definitely something in the air (and no one else in that wing of the prison). Is that an opening in the cell door? ————————————————————————– I don’t think those are gas fumes at all. Maybe it’s just to show that it is night and those are the mists. Yes, the cell door looks open. Maybe thay’s the noise he heard that woke him up.

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  4. Missing large
    andrelguera  almost 14 years ago

    Hola a todos!

    davidf: “Aqui es el link a Annie por hoy” is not right xD

    IS means in spanish “ser” (es) or “estar” (esta) in this case “Aqui ES el link” is wrong.. “Aqui ESTA el link” is much better…

    “El link A Annie POR hoy” is almost perfect.. change A for DE.. and POR for PARA..

    “Aqui esta el link de Annie para hoy” ;-)


    LOL florchi.. you wanna use “soy una maquina de amor” in a conversation?.. dont do it xDDD.. that phase is like joke.. or say it if you are drunk xDDD..

    Have fun people!

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  5. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    (REX) IS Rex thinking “what a revolting developement this is turning into”..

    (3G) Hmmmm, very interesting,let’s see if opposites attract!

    (MW) Yea, it’s to late after their gone to say “I should have……………….”

    (JP) Her daughter,stepdaughter is at that critical age…I guess

    QUESTION- On Mother Goose and GRimm today, what comic are they referring to in the third panel :-)

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  6. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Andre - Muchas gracias, Amigo. I should have at least remembered the es/esta rule.

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