Heart: In olden times, ladies of the Spanish court used to keep their pet monkeys by their side so they would look more beautiful. Boy: Don't believe it, Laura...she really likes that dork.
For monolinguals: “malgre tout” means “nonetheless”. As for Canadian liberal (schmiberal), who is censoring the use of other languages, let him know that the words “place” and “site” he has used come from French. Por mi parte, soy Español… and Canadian! Pas de soucis!!
Destiny23 almost 14 years ago
He does have a vaguely simian look to him…
peter0423 almost 14 years ago
Don’t we all?
TheDOCTOR almost 14 years ago
They’ll be so cute when they get older. First date, first kiss, Prom, Married. sigh
kfaatz925 almost 14 years ago
Judging from Dean’s face, Chikuku is right (though I plead my ignorance of French! ;) )
Asrial almost 14 years ago
I have one question for Heart : The moneys or the ladies ?
delaterra almost 14 years ago
For monolinguals: “malgre tout” means “nonetheless”. As for Canadian liberal (schmiberal), who is censoring the use of other languages, let him know that the words “place” and “site” he has used come from French. Por mi parte, soy Español… and Canadian! Pas de soucis!!
Asrial almost 14 years ago
@truecanadianliberal : That’s what I mean. Ah HATES typos !!
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago