Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for April 09, 2011
captain: what's this? bixby: your merchandising royalty check. captain:hey!! why's it so small? bixby: the economy. people aren't buying non essentials. captain: "nonessentials"?? i only lend my likeness to the most essential products available!! bixby: Then hopefully people will start feeding their kids "cappy vs upperback home electrolysis blasters..."
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
Hey, for a guy with so much back hair, it would seem an essential.
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
Sometime, ask your repub Congressman to define “non-essential” programs then ask about the oil depletion allowance.
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
FREEHOLDER Don’t you deduct “Spouse depreciation” on line48 of your 1040? Same idea.
PlaidWolf almost 14 years ago
*one year, tried to write-off my previous year’s taxes as a bad investment…for some reason, it was disallowed…
MrDangerous almost 14 years ago
freeholder1, you can ask your Democrap Senator how funding Planned Parenthood is more essential than military salaries.
invisifan almost 14 years ago
MrDangerous — why not ask the military why standing up against bullying is more important than paying danegeld
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
Which has nothing to do with my point, MrD. but that would be the usual neo-con scam of strawmen. And my dem senator, Ms. Stabenow is currently trying to lift “excessive” EPA regs on the car industry, so she’s working on being as bad as the repubs. Being I work in the auto industry now, I can’t find a thing wrong with her idea :-) I merely chose one of the more obvious purchased agents.
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
By the way, comparing planned parenthood funding to military funding is equivalent only in that they both kill infants, traumatize the survivors and cost this country incredible spiritual loss.
cwreenactor over 13 years ago
Eeeww. I have that image stuck in my head now.