Tiny little lunch bags-so cute. Where do you even get those Fargo?
So cute!
Well, Fargo’s just trying to keep them off the streets, and help them be gainfully employed!
When Fargo has all the possums on him he looks just like the Cat bus from my neighbor tortoro
Hope they enjoy their lunches.
Do they ride to school on the ducklings’ backs?
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Tiny little lunch bags-so cute. Where do you even get those Fargo?
James Noury Premium Member almost 5 years ago
So cute!
fuzzybritches Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Well, Fargo’s just trying to keep them off the streets, and help them be gainfully employed!
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 5 years ago
When Fargo has all the possums on him he looks just like the Cat bus from my neighbor tortoro
tad1 almost 5 years ago
Hope they enjoy their lunches.
Sue Ellen almost 5 years ago
Do they ride to school on the ducklings’ backs?