Francis always brings up the conversation when Spitsy, not the best example of a dog, does stupid things. It makes cats look bad. I’m a cat person myself, but Spitsy isn’t a normal dog, therefore Francis can’t use him to say dogs are better than cats.
Whenever Spitsy does something, usually in the second-last panel, in a SUNDAY strip, Francis would pop up to say something, normally related to resuming a certain debate of the comparative intelligence of cats and dogs.
Bonus Trivia: Nate’s dog has an IQ of 1. True or false?
Dogs, it turns out, have about twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes than what cats have, which suggests they could be about twice as intelligent.
Spector7bob over 4 years ago
NoxtheCat over 4 years ago
Not the brightest crayon in the box.
Space_Owl on GoComics over 4 years ago
Good morning, afternoon, evening, night early readers! Spitsy, that’s a new low…
Have an amazing day!
SpitsyTheDoge over 4 years ago
bird virus…. is Spitsy patient zero of covid?
Just nate over 4 years ago
Bad viruses *cough cough corona cough
Despair over 4 years ago
Doesn’t spitsy eat birds?
Just nate over 4 years ago
Wait does he also drink from that
Wҽιɾԃ Exρɾҽʂʂισɳ Mαɳ over 4 years ago
spitsy got Virus 520
Despair over 4 years ago
This is my first time being early in a long time.(I’m supposed to be asleep right now don’t tell anyone)
Valence (UwU) ✔️ over 4 years ago
“It’s probably chock full of bird viruses!”
Me: HmMmMm interesting.
MubasherHussain over 4 years ago
Today’s my sister’s birthday
Clarence over 4 years ago
No fair Pickles gets the pool all for herself
Carmen Sandiego :) over 4 years ago
SpitsyTheDoge over 4 years ago
its strange that there is like 15 comments in the first two minutes and then it takes another 30 mins for 5 more comments to show up
Sooza from My Singing Monsters over 4 years ago
Francis always brings up the conversation when Spitsy, not the best example of a dog, does stupid things. It makes cats look bad. I’m a cat person myself, but Spitsy isn’t a normal dog, therefore Francis can’t use him to say dogs are better than cats.
TheJustinator over 4 years ago
Whenever Spitsy does something, usually in the second-last panel, in a SUNDAY strip, Francis would pop up to say something, normally related to resuming a certain debate of the comparative intelligence of cats and dogs.
Bonus Trivia: Nate’s dog has an IQ of 1. True or false?
SpongebobPatrickBackwards over 4 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
HollyStone over 4 years ago
Is it EVER a good time?
HappySquishyjello over 4 years ago
i look like spitsy every day in the bathroom , but usually there´s poop everywhere
hariseldon59 over 4 years ago
Sorry Francis, science doesn’t back you up.
Dogs, it turns out, have about twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes than what cats have, which suggests they could be about twice as intelligent.
Grapey over 4 years ago
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
BIRD VIRUSES?!? What about the coronavirus?! Also that’s a water dish, NOT a toilet!! Whichever town/state Big Nate is set in, it’s so messed up!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Dogs are so…. funny.
Lasagna™️ over 4 years ago
Well, that’s just wrong.
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Uhhhh. I don’t think I want to know what Spitsy just did.
PinkYoshiFan over 4 years ago
Go pee in Pickles’ pool Spitsy
_ItsP-dog ✔️ over 4 years ago
Francis finally has appeared again
Asadeerf over 4 years ago
I love when pickles has her sunglasses on!
The Analyzer over 4 years ago
Next thing you know, they do an IQ test and Spitsy is somehow smarter than Pickles.
Garfield207 over 4 years ago
Remember when Spitsy ate Francis’ cat’s hairball
BiggerNate91 over 4 years ago
No, Spitsy did not “you-know-what” in his dish. He is using it as a pool, hence why Pickles is in a real pool beside him.
Salmon✔️ over 4 years ago
who else thought he was pissing in the water bowl
AnthonyLotuff1 over 4 years ago
My new favorite big Nate comic
skepii over 4 years ago
Spitsy doesn’t count as a dog. He’s more like a creature with no iq
Bland'O over 4 years ago
Spitsy just wants to stay cool.
Cpeckbourlioux over 4 years ago
Cats. Cats. Cats. Our veterinarian explained the difference for us, yesterday. To a dog, you are god. To a cat, well, you get it.
Teddy2524 over 4 years ago
That’s a small pool!
izzythegoat3 almost 4 years ago
0_o did he just do what i think he did……
SamuelZhao almost 4 years ago
I agree with Nate. Birds carry fungal diseases can drinking birdbath water can really make a dog or human sick
hockey man almost 4 years ago
Spisty probably does have dog DNA
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
I think cats and dogs have the same amount of intelligence but use it differently. And also, spitsy is really dumb so there’s an acception
Wҽιɾԃ Exρɾҽʂʂισɳ Mαɳ almost 4 years ago
Oh wow, the comment section in the summer was so much better…
Alfyn Greengrass almost 4 years ago
Ohhhhh… I think I’m going to puke.