(Mark Trail) I have to suspend my disbelief just a liiiiitle bit here to imagine the two thugs didn’t hear the plane’s engine revving up and were actually surprised when they were almost run down by the plane itself.
(Phntm) I think the whole point is going to be that Chatu will succumb, psychologically. & P. will win the battle without a shot being fired.
(Rex Morgan) Now the bad guys, Tony & Holly, are going to try to keep Dex from going home. Berna will be worried sick - by the time this is over she may be ready to tear up that winning lottery ticket.
(Mark Trail) Escape! Now, does the plane’s radio work?
(Apt. 3-G) Dan Diller the Grammy Guy!
(Mary Worth) I don’t think Drew is ready for “you and me,” Lisa.
(Judge Parker) I hope this story goes back to the NY arc sometime before I forget what was going on there. As to Sophie, I hope Mom doesn’t tell her she has to hide her smarts to get the guy….that’s so 1950s!
(FoxTrot) English version say’s “He’s right here in his cage,” but above Espanol says that he’s sleeping in his cage (dormido). Either way, Paige is standing on her dresser thinking Quincy is on the loose.
In all the years I’ve read JP and the comments thereon, the one consistent complaint is that it is sooooooo slooooooowwww to move along in the story line. Looks like nothing has changed.
davidf42 almost 14 years ago
“Tonta de mi.” = “Silly me.”
Today’s Annie - http://www.gocomics.com/annie/2002/04/05/
davidf42 almost 14 years ago
(Judge Parker) OK, is this story going somewhere?
(Mark Trail) I have to suspend my disbelief just a liiiiitle bit here to imagine the two thugs didn’t hear the plane’s engine revving up and were actually surprised when they were almost run down by the plane itself.
(Phantom) Enough talk. Pull the trigger.
(Rex Morgan) Now, what’s on Tony’s mind?
florchi almost 14 years ago
(Phntm) I think the whole point is going to be that Chatu will succumb, psychologically. & P. will win the battle without a shot being fired.
(Rex Morgan) Now the bad guys, Tony & Holly, are going to try to keep Dex from going home. Berna will be worried sick - by the time this is over she may be ready to tear up that winning lottery ticket.
(Mark Trail) Escape! Now, does the plane’s radio work?
(Apt. 3-G) Dan Diller the Grammy Guy!
(Mary Worth) I don’t think Drew is ready for “you and me,” Lisa.
(Judge Parker) I hope this story goes back to the NY arc sometime before I forget what was going on there. As to Sophie, I hope Mom doesn’t tell her she has to hide her smarts to get the guy….that’s so 1950s!
(FoxTrot) English version say’s “He’s right here in his cage,” but above Espanol says that he’s sleeping in his cage (dormido). Either way, Paige is standing on her dresser thinking Quincy is on the loose.
JanLC almost 14 years ago
In all the years I’ve read JP and the comments thereon, the one consistent complaint is that it is sooooooo slooooooowwww to move along in the story line. Looks like nothing has changed.
SWEETBILL almost 14 years ago
(REX) Of course their lawyer is a snake like most of them, so they want to control him over Berna before she can talk some sense into DEX
(3G) Yea, We all figured he was important- this is looking good for Tommie
(MW) Lisa has stars in her eyes,she’s moving fast:-)
(JP) Sophie continues on with the chase, I think Derek will find her challenging more so than “easy uber urban” :-)
marvee almost 14 years ago
Jason is sooo mean to Paige. I guess it’s fun for him.
Rex - are they going to keep Dex overnight. Theyt could be charged with kidnapping and/or elder abuse, in addition to fraud.
MW - one-sided romance, I’m afraid.
A3G - I wouldn’t call Dan “bushy-haired”. I thought he was quite nicely groomed.
JP - Agree with above comments from Florchi and Seetbill. Bright may win over suave, chic, or whatever that other girl has that I don’t have.
SWEETBILL almost 14 years ago
well, about time :-)