(Phntm) Where is Chatu’s gun? Did he put it on the ground when he went down on one knee?
(Mark Trail) Aha! The island must be in the Caribbean or near the Bahamas as Mark indicates Miami is the closest large airport. I hope the radio works.
(Rex Morgan) marvee, I agree (your late comment yesterday) - this is bordering on kidnapping / elder abuse. So far, that winning lottery ticket has brought Berna and Dex more distress than happiness.
(Apt. 3-G) While mutual interests often bring people together, if Lu Ann and Paul happily go along with each other’s hobbys/activities, this sounds like a great relationship.
(Judge Parker) Intimidated? That may mean Sophie comes across as a girl to be “taken seriously,” while maybe all Derek wants right now is some fun & games (nothing serious). However, I have an idea that maybe Sophie will let her hair down (figuratively and literally) and win the day (get the guy). Sure hope it happens soon so we can go back the NYC story arc. :-)
(Mary Worth) The sparks seem to be flying in only one direction. I think Drew’s heart remains with the Peace Village in Vietnam - maybe Lisa should be sure her passport is up-to-date.
(Brenda Starr) Brenda’s creator, Dalia (Dale) Messick died at age 99 on April 5, 2005.
(Fox Trot) Andie thinks Jason is a sweet boy (un nino dulce) at heart. But a sign saying, “Don’t choke Eileeen” - not so sweet!
davidf42: We can’t live forever - Dale was born 105 years ago. I just wanted to pay respect (homage) to her for all the years of enjoying her creation, the Brenda Starr comic strip.
I think I’m giving up on the NYC book tour storyline. Chatu understands his foe better than this reader. Point well taken. Florchi thanks for the Dale artice. I contacted GOCOMICS again about Brenda archives and they won’t answer.
I think that P. will see that Chatu is severely punished for his dastardly deeds (bombing & killing people, imprisoning Diana). It’s just not going to be by shooting him; it will be the punishment of the second choice. Very interesting storyline.
florchi almost 14 years ago
(Phntm) Where is Chatu’s gun? Did he put it on the ground when he went down on one knee?
(Mark Trail) Aha! The island must be in the Caribbean or near the Bahamas as Mark indicates Miami is the closest large airport. I hope the radio works.
(Rex Morgan) marvee, I agree (your late comment yesterday) - this is bordering on kidnapping / elder abuse. So far, that winning lottery ticket has brought Berna and Dex more distress than happiness.
(Apt. 3-G) While mutual interests often bring people together, if Lu Ann and Paul happily go along with each other’s hobbys/activities, this sounds like a great relationship.
(Judge Parker) Intimidated? That may mean Sophie comes across as a girl to be “taken seriously,” while maybe all Derek wants right now is some fun & games (nothing serious). However, I have an idea that maybe Sophie will let her hair down (figuratively and literally) and win the day (get the guy). Sure hope it happens soon so we can go back the NYC story arc. :-)
(Mary Worth) The sparks seem to be flying in only one direction. I think Drew’s heart remains with the Peace Village in Vietnam - maybe Lisa should be sure her passport is up-to-date.
(Brenda Starr) Brenda’s creator, Dalia (Dale) Messick died at age 99 on April 5, 2005. http://www.notablebiographies.com/newsmakers2/2006-Le-Ra/Messick-Dale.html
(Fox Trot) Andie thinks Jason is a sweet boy (un nino dulce) at heart. But a sign saying, “Don’t choke Eileeen” - not so sweet!
florchi almost 14 years ago
Good Grief! When I posted the above, I saw it looked more like a “column” than just comments. I’ll keep brevity in mind tomorrow.
davidf42 almost 14 years ago
That’s OK, Florchi, I enjoyed reading it. And it’s sad about the death of Dale Messick.
Here’s today’s Annie. http://www.gocomics.com/annie/2002/04/06/
Time to start my daily toon tour.
florchi almost 14 years ago
davidf42: We can’t live forever - Dale was born 105 years ago. I just wanted to pay respect (homage) to her for all the years of enjoying her creation, the Brenda Starr comic strip.
davidf42 almost 14 years ago
Florchi - Oh. I’m sorry I read your post too quickly. I thought you were saying she died yesterday. My apologies.
(Judge Parker) Actually, Derek is probably just as unsure of himself as Sophie is.
(Mark Trail) I hope he’s got enough gas. By the way, why doesn’t the guy with rifle try to shoot?
(Phantom) So Chatu just lays his gun down and he thinks he can just walk away? I don’t think so.
(Rex Morgan) And the really sad thing is that there are so many shysters out there in real life preying on the elderly.
Teh Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I think I’m giving up on the NYC book tour storyline. Chatu understands his foe better than this reader. Point well taken. Florchi thanks for the Dale artice. I contacted GOCOMICS again about Brenda archives and they won’t answer.
woodworker318 almost 14 years ago
The Phantom apparently belives that all life is precious even if it is evil.
florchi almost 14 years ago
I think that P. will see that Chatu is severely punished for his dastardly deeds (bombing & killing people, imprisoning Diana). It’s just not going to be by shooting him; it will be the punishment of the second choice. Very interesting storyline.
SWEETBILL almost 14 years ago
(REX) Setting the hook, now reel him in :-)
(3G) LuAnn has a life Margo……
(MW) Lisa’s hooked:-)
(JP) Some guys like what they can’t have-it’s the challenge of the chase (exciting)
@Florchi, your coment on MW was so funny, PASSPORT!
also I like your new column :-) , your coments are always welcome and inspiring with your takes on the strips. “GO GIRL”