FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for April 07, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Morning everybody.

    (Judge Parker) It may be that Derek is just bashful around girls.

    (Mark Trail) Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

    (Phantom) Chatu doesn’t seem to be the brightest streetlight in the neighborhood.

    (Rex Morgan) Yeah. Tell her you’re not a chump.

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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Phntm) I guess the choice was guns or fists. P. applies the mark of the skull to Chatu’s jaw.

    (Mark Trail) That was a quick flight!

    (Rex Morgan) What will Berna say (if Dex calls)?

    (Apt. 3-G) What happened to the Tommie/Dan Diller story arc? I wanna see Dan’s apartment! :-(

    (Judge Parker) ….by all means, have a conversation with Derek, Sophie. And use the element of surprise to get his attention by letting your blonde hair down first.

    (Mary Worth) Quoting from the April 1st MARY WORTH AND ME BLOG: “Nothing like two years in ‘Nam to make a guy irresistible, especially an already irresistible guy like Dr. Drew Corey, M.D.”

    (FoxTrot) Apparently Roger’s not into tofu balls, sesame jelly & fermented lima bean chutney. How do you say, “Let’s order a pizza!” in Spanish?

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  3. Missing large
    aerovoyager  almost 14 years ago

    How do you say, “Let’s order a pizza!” in Spanish? > Ordenemos una pizza

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  4. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    (REX) Yea,your no chump-stupid- but no chump :-)

    (3G) Come on up- I’am lonely and easy whoever you are:-)

    (MW) Liza liza-ready at the snap of his fingers, good girl !

    (JP) She could converse if “urber urban isn’t around

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  5. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    It’s a wonder the Fox family (is that the family name in FoxTrot?) isn’t wasting away. Maybe they’re eating away from home.

    MW - I hope Liza doesn’t make a complete fool of herself.

    Rex - I hope Berna stays calm and can talk come sense into Dex and tells him about their meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

    A3G - Margo must have been feeling lonely doing all that work. I, too, want to get back to Tommie and Dan Diller.

    JP - Good advice for a young girl. Does the author think the book tour problems were resolved? No one else does. Keeping us in suspense? Could backfire if we lose interest.

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  6. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    It looks like the Phantom knocked out some of Chatu’s teeth. I think Chatu has had many skull marks applied to his jaw over time.

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