Woman: I got myself a new razor. According to the package, it's supposed to "bring out the goddess in you." Man: Which one? Love or war?
If she shaves, it’s likely the goddess of going out.
A wise man would volunteer to hold the shaving cream and towel for her.
Then again, if she asks YOU to shave…It’s DEFINITELY the goddess of going out.
With a comment like that, it’ll be the goddess of war and he will be sent to the doghouse.
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
If she shaves, it’s likely the goddess of going out.
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
A wise man would volunteer to hold the shaving cream and towel for her.
freeholder1 almost 14 years ago
Then again, if she asks YOU to shave…It’s DEFINITELY the goddess of going out.
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
With a comment like that, it’ll be the goddess of war and he will be sent to the doghouse.