The number of fish caught is inversely proportional to the number of beer rings popped.
. The fish slow down after the first beer is popped.
If the first beer popping is heard before the first bobber splashing opening day, you might as well have brought your wife.
Fish can smell non-premium beer.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
The number of fish caught is inversely proportional to the number of beer rings popped. . The fish slow down after the first beer is popped. If the first beer popping is heard before the first bobber splashing opening day, you might as well have brought your wife. Fish can smell non-premium beer.
Weakstream over 13 years ago
He looks like the catfish from POGO
klipt8 over 13 years ago
Yes, truman got off lucky.
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Strong Union