La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for July 23, 2020

  1. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 4 years ago

    They look different without the body armor, helmets and visors.

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  2. Coyote
    eromlig  over 4 years ago

    What a great country we live in, where we can satirize even the most righteous things such as self-defense.

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  3. Comics 2022
    Skeptical Meg  over 4 years ago

    If I was there, I would have yelled out to them. Probably something like “you don’t even know how to hold that gun! I bet you couldn’t even hit the woman standing next to you!”

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    Herb L 1954  over 4 years ago

    So glad Duh Fuhrer thinks protesters are more important than the virus ;(

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    tung cha cha cha  over 4 years ago

    LA: thanks so much for positioning your artwork so that I may easily read and appreciate it!

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