FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for April 18, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  over 13 years ago

    (Foxtrot) For discussion on Lord of the Rings Trilogy, see Foxtrot Classics.

    (Judge Parker) OK, we’re back in New York. Could someone please remind me what the subplot is? Seriously, I’ve forgotten.

    (Mark Trail) And we start a new story arc.

    (Phantom) They think Chatu has escaped!

    (Alley Oop) The new reader is introduced to Dr. Elbert Wonmug, inventor of the Time Machine. Alley Oop is a caveman from the distant past whom Doc Wonmug brought into the present era. V.T. Hamlin created this strip in 1932 and named the scientist Elbert to be reminiscent of Albert Einstein. His assistant is G. Oscar Boom, whose expertise is explosives, and his moniker is GO Boom.


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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 13 years ago

    (Phntm) Is Chatu dead or alive? Where is P taking him?

    (Rex Morgan) I agree with Tony.

    (Judge Parker) Back in NYC at last! That’s Angel & Sam in the front seat and Connie Darling in the back seat….not sure who the fourth person is. See my recap of the story here at FT Espanol on March 19. Looks like we’re picking up right where we left off (on 3/19).

    (Mary Worth) What about Drew’s romantic past? What is Dr. Jeff Corey referring to?

    (Mark Trail) Looks like a new story begins today….one involving Dr. Thrasher’s son John.

    (FoxTrot) This is about the “Lord of the Rings” movies (“El Senor del Los Anillos”). There is some interesting discussion of the movies over at the FT Classics English version.

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 13 years ago

    (Alley Oop) Nice juxtaposition of the high-tech rocketry and the low tech tool that A.O. has in his left hand. Care to elaborate, davidf42?

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  4. Rick
    davidf42  over 13 years ago

    (Judge Parker) Thanks for the update, Florchi.

    (Alley Oop) This is an old convention started by V.T. Hamlin in the early days of the strip’s history. Alley Oop is a caveman and he is nearly always seen with his weapon of choice, a hand-made axe. Sometimes he is even depicted wearing skins while the people around him are dressed up-to-date. And he can do more with that axe than most of his adversaries can do with a modern weapon.

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  5. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 13 years ago

    davidf42: Your first comments were not showing at the time I wrote my first commentary - so we covered a lot of the same territory without either of us knowing what the other was posting. I had to go find my 3/19 recap to refresh my own memory re what was going on with Sam et al. in NYC!

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  6. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 13 years ago

    There was an Alley Oop story line a year or so ago where Oop went to the university to confront someone (something about a hijacked prototype of the time machine). He was barefoot and carrying his axe and was so intimidating that security was called on him.

    (MW) Drew is known to have been a bit of a Lothario. Love ‘em and leave ‘em was his motto.

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  7. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 13 years ago

    (REX) Well if they do that, yes they could run into a security system, wait and see! I wonder if June and Rex are going to be showing up at the club?

    (3G) Maybe he’s moving to fast for Tommie- she looks like she has some thinking to do. (panel #2)

    (MW) Jeff, stay out other peoples (adult) lives..

    (JP) Thanks Florchi for the March 19 heads-up as I was lost on the NY storyline……………..

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  8. Th
    marvee  over 13 years ago

    Jason and Marcus would expect to be stars of the movie.

    JP- The passenger in the back seat is probably the Judge. I expect they will drop him and Connie off at the concert or whatever “cultural” thing they were going to do, then Angel and Sam will hit the jazz night spots.

    MW- I don’t remember anything about Drew’s past. Does going out for dinner really signify “dating again”?

    Rex - At least Tony has some sense. If Dex had the ticket he would probably be naive enough to show it to them.

    3G - Is Dan Diller trustworthy?

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  9. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 13 years ago

    (REX) Mar 23 Rex and June leave the office & Rex says” let’s make sure the safe is locked and the alarm is set”

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  10. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 13 years ago

    (Judge Parker) Here’s a helpful link:

    This was posted on 3/21.

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  11. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 13 years ago

    WOW @ Florchi, thank you for your last post last night. Some much history on this , Thank you again…………

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