Heart of the City by Steenz for April 27, 2011
Kat: I can't believe there's a giant crowd here! Justin Bieber coming into Philly must be all over the internet! Heart: Well, that is how you found out, Kat... Heart: Holy Shamoly! I just got a text from Dean! He's here at the airport, but he's hiding out from the security guard... Heart: He says, you'll know when I'm nearby." Dean: Psst..
Plods with ...™ almost 14 years ago
If that’s not it ghostkeeper, it should be.
TheDOCTOR almost 14 years ago
You sure they didn’t get the idea from this?
Deekay723 almost 14 years ago
Anyone else notice that Dean is dressed like the Unabomber in an airport?
contu almost 14 years ago
oh, Yeah, I remember now, I wonder if they have a plan to get home from the airport– think Justin will give them a limo ride?
contu almost 14 years ago
I forgot what I was going to say
funnypants almost 14 years ago
Nearby?…He’s only like a foot away!
Charles Weir almost 14 years ago
Gotta like ghostkeeper’s idea.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
“Hey kids. Wanna buy drugs?”