Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for April 30, 2011
Adam; Honey, I just want to apologize again for my behavior this week. Adam; It was very immature of me to insist that what was clearly a cold was in fact, allergies, and even though I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I know that my actions negatively impacted our family. Adam; Now please take this cold medicine. Laura; No! It's Allergies! The trees are blooming! Ragweed! Skunk dander! Handsome husband! I don't have a cold.!
alcors3 almost 14 years ago
Looks like he is still recycling.
NE1956 almost 14 years ago
I take Nuclear Coffee for my colds. Heck, I take it for anything. It also helps prevent me from being like poor delusional Laura. Skunk dander? Wow.
linsonl almost 14 years ago
Colds come and go, alleriges are forever.
TruckerRon almost 14 years ago
Some folks use a hat to treat a cold:
Hang a hat on your bedpost Drink hot buttered rum until you see 2 hats To bed, and when you wake up ( should be 10-12 hrs later) you’ll feel better