Gray Matters by Stuart Carlson and Jerry Resler for January 10, 2023

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 2 years ago

    Gray knows his limits

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Take your bike, if it’ll fit in your trunk.

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    Doctor Toon  about 2 years ago

    My commute is only 7 miles

    I work nights and most of it is a highway

    At 60, I’m passing on bike to work

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    goboboyd  about 2 years ago

    He hired someone to transport the bike to and from the office in a separate vehicle. Hey, those things can be pretty pricey. Why get it covered with road grime.

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    Is like a melody Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Back in the good old days, before bike helmets were a thing, I rode my bike to work. I still remember waking up after a spectacular wipe-out and a kid was screaming “Mommy! There’s a lady sleeping in the street!” I got back on my bike and rode the rest of the way to work. Needed a shower when I got there.

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  6. T
    T...  about 2 years ago

    But I’m wearing my Bike…

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