Dear god almighty…how long is this incredibly boring and unfunny stuff going to go on? Hooray for the links back to when GA was a good strip in the comments. The current offering is beyond lame. I don’t wish any bad on Mr. Scancarelli, but this strip, even with reruns, needs to go where the place is for strips that have outlived themselves and their characters.
AnyFace over 4 years ago
therese_callahan2002 over 4 years ago
They’d have done better as subway musicians.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 4 years ago
Was the church in jail?
cpietran Premium Member over 4 years ago
Dear god almighty…how long is this incredibly boring and unfunny stuff going to go on? Hooray for the links back to when GA was a good strip in the comments. The current offering is beyond lame. I don’t wish any bad on Mr. Scancarelli, but this strip, even with reruns, needs to go where the place is for strips that have outlived themselves and their characters.
mpearl over 4 years ago
this stuff is so not funny.
fix-n-fly over 4 years ago
So now you are telling lies. It won’t be long until she figures it out and starts chasing you along with the Sheriff….