Nest Heads by John Allen for May 07, 2011

  1. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    bdaverin  almost 14 years ago

    Oh, come on now. Superhero movies are NOT infantile. Sometimes, they’re just really bad.

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  2. Missing large
    tedcoop  almost 14 years ago

    Keeping in mind that the two characters mocking superhero movies enjoy reading romance novels, I’m pretty comfortable with enjoying superhero movies. Even the ones bdaverin considers “really bad.”

    Except TMNT-related stuff; only the original comic books were good.

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  3. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 14 years ago

    Michael Dickson said that Thor is a really good movie because of the director, so I may eventually watch it, if on TV. I only GO to movies when grandkids are in town.

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