That’s why you browse the parts of the internet that make you feel vastly better about yourself and your life choices, like “justneckbeardthings” on reddit.
If you have a good idea, DON’T look it up on Google, until you have played with it yourself. It’s STILL a good idea, even if people from Pakistan to Somalia have already posted about it.
Jethro Flatline over 4 years ago
That’s why you browse the parts of the internet that make you feel vastly better about yourself and your life choices, like “justneckbeardthings” on reddit.
morningglory73 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sometimes I wonder……then I decide to just be.
944im Premium Member over 4 years ago
unless you know where I can acquire a time machine, piss off.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
If you have a good idea, DON’T look it up on Google, until you have played with it yourself. It’s STILL a good idea, even if people from Pakistan to Somalia have already posted about it.