Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for September 10, 2020

  1. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  over 4 years ago

    Nice breaking of the third wall there, Jonathan.

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  2. Kittens above
    drmickeyg  over 4 years ago

    Worm has a couple of friends with him!

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  3. Strega
    P51Strega  over 4 years ago

    Two worms: Winky (with his Apple product) and Inky (on the drafting table). And I’m having trouble identifying the album on the floor, is that “White Rabbit”?

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  4. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  over 4 years ago

    Once upon a time, I made something for myself. Then a friend offered to pay me to make the same thing for him. When he found out that I sold two more after that, he got upset. He thought he was going to have an almost unique item. I told him that I’d make a deal with him: anytime someone else asked for one. I’d tell him, and he could pay me not to make it. He didn’t like that idea, either.

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    I hate losing any of my original art; much less sell it. Mr. Lemon has shown how to get the best of both worlds.

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  6. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  over 4 years ago

    where’s Ooola?

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