Thatababy: Bwahwaaahhh Yaah Mom: honey, what's wrong? Thatababy: Waaee Yaheee! Thatababy: Nothing's wrong. I'm just practicing for my 3 A.M. tantrum
I always wondered what they were up to when there wasn’t any reason to scream! :^)
keep practicing! u want ur 3 am tantrum to be perfect!
Ha. How can a face that looks so innocent actually be so … well … not innocent at heart? And I love the baby for it! :)
haha baby go brrrrrrrr at 3 am
April 08, 2014
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
I always wondered what they were up to when there wasn’t any reason to scream! :^)
HollySta1 almost 14 years ago
keep practicing! u want ur 3 am tantrum to be perfect!
rgcviper almost 14 years ago
Ha. How can a face that looks so innocent actually be so … well … not innocent at heart? And I love the baby for it! :)
ThePersonOnGoComics over 4 years ago
haha baby go brrrrrrrr at 3 am