Sluggo: Your Aunt Fritzi says it's time for you to go up to bed. Nancy: I'll go to bed when I FEEL like it. I feel like it.
Finding some hidden motivation, are we, Nancy?
NANCY is cantankerous at times…dats not good!
I gotta say I like Ernie’s FritziGlare™ better than Olivia’s FritziGlare™.
Discretion is the better part of valor.
Olivia Jaimes
jagedlo about 4 years ago
Finding some hidden motivation, are we, Nancy?
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
NANCY is cantankerous at times…dats not good!
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago
I gotta say I like Ernie’s FritziGlare™ better than Olivia’s FritziGlare™.
brklnbern about 4 years ago
Discretion is the better part of valor.