My cat does this all the time, literally every day. Flops on his side, rolls on his back, and stares at me from across the yard. Upside down. He be crazy.
Believe it or not, experiments have shown that human beings can adapt to having their visual field inverted. After a time people wearing inverting glasses found that there was a sudden perceptual shift and everything seemed upright again. I think cats can do this automatically. I have had many cats who would watch and track moving objects from that upside down position. It looks weird but it is “cat normal” (the best kind of normal).
Charliegirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cat watching fly on ceiling.
Cpeckbourlioux over 4 years ago
My cat does this all the time, literally every day. Flops on his side, rolls on his back, and stares at me from across the yard. Upside down. He be crazy.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 4 years ago
Cat watching a laser dot in another dimension.
over 4 years ago
That is quite impressive.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Aaaah HAA! kitty was sipping from the glass and when the man turned to see, the kitty avoided eye contact, knowing he did a no no!
Steverino Premium Member over 4 years ago
Invisible mice on the ceiling.
lagoulou over 4 years ago
Yep, it’s up there!
kauri44 over 4 years ago
It can be difficult to learn how to screw on a cat’s head properly.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
My cats do quirky stuff all the time. It’s highly amusing as long as no one end up with puncture wounds.
Vet Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cat being….a cat.
RAGs over 4 years ago
Cats will stare at something until you look at it too, then they look away thinking, “Gotcha”
johnbrown1859 over 4 years ago
How do a fly be doin’ that?
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Believe it or not, experiments have shown that human beings can adapt to having their visual field inverted. After a time people wearing inverting glasses found that there was a sudden perceptual shift and everything seemed upright again. I think cats can do this automatically. I have had many cats who would watch and track moving objects from that upside down position. It looks weird but it is “cat normal” (the best kind of normal).
JohnTheFoole over 4 years ago
“The executable function cat.exe has stopped. Please restart program.”
zippykatz over 4 years ago
Why no update for this comic? Usually happens on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Màiri over 4 years ago
Waitaminnit…this is the 25th, but the image is from the 17th. I think we be being cheated! Fzzzzzt!
zippykatz over 4 years ago
GC about to zap ANOTHER long-time favorite comic? Like Kit ’n Carlyle.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
This poor cat must be starting to get a crick in its neck after doing this for weeks. :)