Rubes by Leigh Rubin for May 14, 2011

  1. Amaryllis 004
    Jolly1995  almost 14 years ago

    True, and then send all the jobs to China, India, Sri Lanka, etc, etc, etc and to Heck with Americans…..

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    ilsapadu  almost 14 years ago

    He finished us all off, nothing left to do but go home.

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    Woody157  almost 14 years ago

    This may be ‘off topic’ and if it is flagged and removed…I understand. WHY are the flood gates being opened to flood thousands of acres of farm land thus raising food costs. Wiping out many towns and villages along the Mississippi. Is it fair to do this just to maybe save New Orleans? N.O. is built in a bowl below sea level. Remember Katrina? All those people were wiped out and the govt. helped rebuild. Celeberties helped fund raising for the folks to go right back to the places of destruction. The acient Japanese left markers saying ’don’t build below this point.’ The buildings above that line of markers are O.K. The ones built below the markers were destroyed. What I am saying is to not destroy something to MAYBE save something that SHOULD NOT be there in the first place.

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  4. Buddy
    lalas  almost 14 years ago

    …or trash entire global economies.

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