Before I retired 7 years ago, if you tried to go to a non company website you were blocked and a notification was sent to management. If you tried to excessively use your cell phone you recieved a reprimand which could cost you on your annual review. Finally when you were given a project and you didn’t finish in the allotted time you had to give a report on why and if not accepted it cost you on your review.
kunddog 9 months ago
Before I retired 7 years ago, if you tried to go to a non company website you were blocked and a notification was sent to management. If you tried to excessively use your cell phone you recieved a reprimand which could cost you on your annual review. Finally when you were given a project and you didn’t finish in the allotted time you had to give a report on why and if not accepted it cost you on your review.
cmosko Premium Member 9 months ago
Before I retired in the last century, if you did anything that fancy on your office computer you got a round of applause.