The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for October 17, 2008
Dr. Seuss: Well, Roger, I gave this movie a thumbs down. I didn't like "Snakes On A Plane." I wouldn't have liked "Snakes On A Train" or "Snakes In A Car." I just don't like snakes no matter where they are. Dr. Seuss' short-lived stint as a movie critic.
frenchfry about 16 years ago
Dr Suess is greatly missed.
DerekA about 16 years ago
He is missed by the minute. He is missed by the Hour. He is missed by the foot. He is missed by the mile. Me is mostly missed for the smile.
s-izzle about 16 years ago
Nice rhyming there.
runar about 16 years ago
He was a pain in the butt.
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 14 years ago
Dr. Seuss was the reason I started reading, but I just don’t see him telling me what movies to watch. Plus, I think this strip was a “too soon” moment, since the date is around the time Ebert had to stop doing his show because of thyroid cancer.