Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for January 16, 2011

  1. 9.  new avatar for  usfellers .
    usfellers  about 14 years ago

    *G’day Jason, Dry, JFri, Ottod, Meggsiefan, Frank, Bjorn (welcome back) and all Meggsie’s mates.”“”

    Here we have the possibility of a cap and/or glasses being lost at sea and being washed up on the shore. If I ever find them I will add them to the story about finding a full set of dentures (yes, the FULL set) on a beach years ago. The owner was staying at the same guest house and had locked herself away for a week after losing them.

    Has anyone else been delighted with the silhouettes (ref. panel 1) lately. The sight of Kelly chasing our two mates a couple of days ago was priceless. Great stuff.

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    Ginger Meggs  about 14 years ago

    Benny’s is!

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    usfellers  about 14 years ago

    I’m sure some of their mobile phones are surgically attached. How do they avoid getting them wet, much less being able to do without them, for the time a swim takes?

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  4. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 14 years ago

    What can hurt you out there depends on how far Dad allows you to swim.

    Good Morning, Meggsie Fans

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    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    G’day Jason, JFri, Usfellers, ottod and Meggsiefan!

    Re: the grafitti. I don’t stare at it, I just ignore it! :-D

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    usfellers  about 14 years ago

    There was a time when Ginger was the only person amongst his friends, and enemies, who never wore a hat, including Ginger’s girlfriend Minnie, but, to my knowledge, hats were never used to depict emotion. Some cartoonists showed them flying off their owners’ heads to depict surprise or horror but traditionally in Meggsie, such improvisations were never needed.

    Ginger and his family and friends are people with whom you can relate, people you can see are glad, happy, sad, whatever by simply understanding them.

    May Bennie never lose his hat, nor Ginger his waistcoat; well, Ginger can remove that for a swim perhaps, as long as he doesn’t leave it where a souvenir hunter can get it.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    One summer, my Dad lost his sunglasses while swimming in the Chesapeake Bay (wayward wave). The next day, I felt something hard with my toes and found his sunglasses.

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