@LinguistToday"s strip IS funny our Hero Mr Andrew Capp pre- empted having to eat Flo’s burnt offerings by bringing some take away nosh , take away is a polite way of saying he stole it :o) my avatar is a cartoon depicting a middle aged lothario who thinks he’s God’s gift to women being put down by a young lass, we would never do that , we are too gentlemanly and scared of our better halves to do that :o) come avete passato la vostra Domenica mio meno vecchio amico ? our Sunday should be busy and hectic because Connie is in a bad mood so to prevent a row I reign in my bad humour , but we’ll both calm down I hope :o{, and a bientot pal, keep safe
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Did Andy also tell the eatery to put the meal on his tap (like he does at the pub)?
bluram over 4 years ago
Next frame: Pot on Andy’s head and Flo smiling.
hammytech over 4 years ago
Hmmmmm.. even the smoke looks burnt…
AFFICIONADO over 4 years ago
@LinguistToday"s strip IS funny our Hero Mr Andrew Capp pre- empted having to eat Flo’s burnt offerings by bringing some take away nosh , take away is a polite way of saying he stole it :o) my avatar is a cartoon depicting a middle aged lothario who thinks he’s God’s gift to women being put down by a young lass, we would never do that , we are too gentlemanly and scared of our better halves to do that :o) come avete passato la vostra Domenica mio meno vecchio amico ? our Sunday should be busy and hectic because Connie is in a bad mood so to prevent a row I reign in my bad humour , but we’ll both calm down I hope :o{, and a bientot pal, keep safe
PleaseStay6PixelsAway over 4 years ago
Andy had money for a beer and spent in on food? I don’t believe it.
Ralph Newbill over 4 years ago
But can you blame Andy? Answer truthfully!
scote1379 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Curry or Fish and Chips ?
dv1093 over 4 years ago
I love Flo when she gives us that expression!
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 4 years ago
“And it’s piping hot and ready to eat… hey, it’s piping hot and being thrown in my face?!”
raybarb44 over 4 years ago
This is a class on how to really upset a wife. Unless, of course, the takeaway is outstanding and dinner can be saved for the next day…..
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
I don’t burn, but I am sick of having to think up what to cook and cooking it. I wish my hubby would spring for take-away.
tad1 over 4 years ago
Smart move, Andy, though Flo’s probably going to dump whatever’s in that pot on your head!