Not to worry, the networks are more than happy to show you the re-runs from years past. And look at the money they are making, no production costs but still the same number of commercials.
The sports leagues here in the US really need to strongly consider ending those games. NO ONE watches them, especially because you can watch ANY team at ANY time and see all the best players day and night. I also worry about the players getting hurt and ultimately missing REAL games. The reward doesn’t outweigh the risk in this case.
namleht over 4 years ago
Getting two hours of my life back a day from not having to commute was a small benefit that I am enjoying….
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Not to worry, the networks are more than happy to show you the re-runs from years past. And look at the money they are making, no production costs but still the same number of commercials.
harbormoon over 4 years ago
The sports leagues here in the US really need to strongly consider ending those games. NO ONE watches them, especially because you can watch ANY team at ANY time and see all the best players day and night. I also worry about the players getting hurt and ultimately missing REAL games. The reward doesn’t outweigh the risk in this case.