WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for November 21, 2020

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I have no complaints about any of the films he’s directed, written or produced that I have seen. I have yet to see them all, but what I have seen I have enjoyed. Man of Steel is my fav, but I have a soft spot for the Big Blue Boy Scout.

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    Thinking May Help Premium Member about 4 years ago

    “Interstellar” for example is a visually very impressive movie apparently presenting US-Americanic spirit of colonialising and surviving. If you want to study how to manipulate people, take a closer look at this movie: it is just a colourful commercial for NASA, SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. It presents the destruction of our planet as being unavoidable, ignoring our ability to change our behaviour (well, not all of us). It justifies our huge spendings in killing other humans by fantasizing about killing machines being suddenly science geniuses and therefore being necessary for surviving. It gives childlike false hope in finding some generous godlike aliens, who help us by teaching the killing machine how to use a new energy source. The film then finally celeberates greed, egoism and inconsiderateness, showing the elite using this new energy source not to save our one and only planet, but to use it to rescue some few selected 100.000s of people, lying about leaving behind the other on our then even more exploited earth. The story itself is constructed around a big logic error about time and space continuum, mixed with some true science facts and some science buzzwords to camouflage all the childlike fantasy, the manipulation and the excuses. So, if you like to be manipulated and exploited, or when you prefer being greedy and egoistic, then enjoy that colourful exciting movie …

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    bhopal39  about 4 years ago

    I like suspending disbelief and escaping reality for a while.

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