A plan not well thought out.
Teddy was in charge of making sure the premiums were paid………………………………..
Pirates were not known for their attention to the fine print.
The proper nautical term for this is “scuttle”..
So they planned to cash in on the insurance, without having any insurance?
allen@home over 4 years ago
A plan not well thought out.
ocarol7 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Diat60 over 4 years ago
Teddy was in charge of making sure the premiums were paid………………………………..
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Pirates were not known for their attention to the fine print.
gnorth22 Premium Member over 4 years ago
The proper nautical term for this is “scuttle”..
Boise Ed Premium Member over 4 years ago
So they planned to cash in on the insurance, without having any insurance?