I am not knocking modern medicine. However, homeopathic remedies have been around since man walked on two feet and science sometimes needs to look at what was done in the past to see what could be done in the future……
When the Chief’s heart was hurting the Medicine Man gave him a flower to chew-digitalis. When he had a headache he’d drink a willow bark tea-aspirin. Most of our meds come from plants.
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
Moreno going into medicina folklórica tradicional, eh?
Denver Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
Uhh… Why not use telemedicine?
Michael G. about 4 years ago
¡Consulte con tu yerbatera local!
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
I am not knocking modern medicine. However, homeopathic remedies have been around since man walked on two feet and science sometimes needs to look at what was done in the past to see what could be done in the future……
Natarose about 4 years ago
Ah, modern medicine meets remedio casero
TheTrueNorth about 4 years ago
Best thing for a burn, keep the area covered in cool water for 15 minutes.
bigal666 about 4 years ago
When the Chief’s heart was hurting the Medicine Man gave him a flower to chew-digitalis. When he had a headache he’d drink a willow bark tea-aspirin. Most of our meds come from plants.