G-Man Webcomics by Chris Giarrusso for December 07, 2020

  1. Missing large
    ddunovant7  over 4 years ago

    I am a big fan of you Great Man! You are a very strong and handsome hero! However, all the issues (ice cream police, trophy police, multiple times in jail, etc.) did happen under your turn with the webcomic. So you should face a penalty for your wrongdoing!

    And yes, Great Man’s execution might be hilarious with a “killer punchline.” I seem to remember that Cool Wraps said that those enchanted bandages came with a curse and a “non-stop hunger for life energy.” Let’s hope G-Man doesn’t start desiring Great Man’s life energy! But being devoured by your younger brother would be a “killer punchline!”

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  2. Large fan
    A_Fan  about 4 years ago

    I think it would be cool if you threw in a talking train. He could do comedy. Train comedy. Just gonna throw that out there.

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