2020 hit me where it counts right at the end. 2 1/2 weeks ago I went into the hospital with a leg infection and a high fever, 2 days after going in I ended up with an intestinal blockage, 2 days after that my left arm went dead after I developed a small blood clot from an IV that went bad, and 2 days after that my right arm went dead. At first everyone thought the same thing happened to my right arm that happened to my left arm, but an ultrasound showed no blood clot, and an x-ray showed up as a broken arm. It turned out to be something called pseudogout, a form of arthritis that forms crystals and blocks the x-ray so it looks like it’s broken. I finally got out of the hospital yesterday but it looks like I’ll be spending the next 2 weeks in a rehab facility to regain my strength before going home.
Oh, gosh! I’ll bet you will be glad to get out of the hospital before anything else happens. Hopefully your rehab will go well. Sending healing thoughts your way. Best of luck!
rebeccabyram22 about 4 years ago
Complain to the lady landlord
Breadboard about 4 years ago
RJ unplug some of your stuff ! Overloaded circuit not good ;-)
Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago
We all feel a bit powerless in the face of this !@#$ year.
Ellis97 about 4 years ago
Keep your mouth shut, RJ.
Hydrohead about 4 years ago
That water is going to start getting cold way too fast.
epaphus8 about 4 years ago
Oh, only now 2020 crosses a line?
Cedar the squirrel about 4 years ago
You still got a few more days
proberts23 about 4 years ago
Did the sun go boom?
Ozark12 about 4 years ago
Time for Hammy’s “Toot”
FassEddie about 4 years ago
I think that was the sun. So not good.
Perkycat about 4 years ago
A lot of lines have been crossed!
mi_sbs about 4 years ago
“What obtains?” I see what you did there. nice!
patlaborvi about 4 years ago
2020 hit me where it counts right at the end. 2 1/2 weeks ago I went into the hospital with a leg infection and a high fever, 2 days after going in I ended up with an intestinal blockage, 2 days after that my left arm went dead after I developed a small blood clot from an IV that went bad, and 2 days after that my right arm went dead. At first everyone thought the same thing happened to my right arm that happened to my left arm, but an ultrasound showed no blood clot, and an x-ray showed up as a broken arm. It turned out to be something called pseudogout, a form of arthritis that forms crystals and blocks the x-ray so it looks like it’s broken. I finally got out of the hospital yesterday but it looks like I’ll be spending the next 2 weeks in a rehab facility to regain my strength before going home.
Perkycat about 4 years ago
Oh, gosh! I’ll bet you will be glad to get out of the hospital before anything else happens. Hopefully your rehab will go well. Sending healing thoughts your way. Best of luck!
banjoAhhh! about 4 years ago
George looks so relaxed