Or … could be training for a SERE course!!
Those brown spots: is that dog poo?
That’s one dirty snowman. I bet mouth and eyes are lignite coal.
Well, that’s one way to clean up the yard!
Camo snowman
Leaf it alone.
June 28, 2014
LookingGlass Premium Member about 4 years ago
Or … could be training for a SERE course!!
Imagine about 4 years ago
Those brown spots: is that dog poo?
P51Strega about 4 years ago
That’s one dirty snowman. I bet mouth and eyes are lignite coal.
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 4 years ago
Well, that’s one way to clean up the yard!
Natarose about 4 years ago
Camo snowman
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
Leaf it alone.