I live in a subtropical environment so ice balls aren’t an issue, but I have noticed that in the summer when the sidewalks get insanely hot lots of people put shoes on their dogs. Maybe Louie needs some sneakers!
As the author of several hiking guidebooks, including creating a series specific for hiking with dogs, and another for snowshoe hiking, I have a simple solution for Nate and Louie: Pam Cooking Spray prevents “snowballing” on dog feet and on their haunches. Please it is safe for them if they want to lick it off at the end of the day (use Butter flavored Pam to keep the dog ultra happy!)
allen@home about 4 years ago
Louie don’t be like that. Jonas is just looking out for you.
boydpercy Premium Member about 4 years ago
He needs some dog booties!
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat about 4 years ago
Mr. Dunham:Are you related to Michael Dunham the goalie?
judirapelje about 4 years ago
We get by with a little help from our friends!!!
Babs Maloney Premium Member about 4 years ago
Lots of love in this comic! Thanks, Chip! I need a little dose of that nowadays!
PoodleGroomer about 4 years ago
I was walking my dog on an extremely cold day. I carried her home when I noticed that she was limping and trying to favor all four paws.
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat about 4 years ago
This question might go right over the HIller line, but is there a TUNIC available for Louis now that a CARRIER has picked up his 50 pound load?
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Which is why we got booties for our doggos so they can play in the snow and rain.
notinksanymore about 4 years ago
I live in a subtropical environment so ice balls aren’t an issue, but I have noticed that in the summer when the sidewalks get insanely hot lots of people put shoes on their dogs. Maybe Louie needs some sneakers!
Caesar'sWife Premium Member about 4 years ago
See today’s Lorrie Ransome.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 4 years ago
Who’s going to take home the groceries?
Good evening, Crew!
rgcviper about 4 years ago
judirapelje above took the words outta my keyboard …
I get by with a little help from my friends!
Good Evening, Crew.
DMeshke about 4 years ago
As the author of several hiking guidebooks, including creating a series specific for hiking with dogs, and another for snowshoe hiking, I have a simple solution for Nate and Louie: Pam Cooking Spray prevents “snowballing” on dog feet and on their haunches. Please it is safe for them if they want to lick it off at the end of the day (use Butter flavored Pam to keep the dog ultra happy!)